Saturday, May 15, 2010

Livestream Channel


Shroker and I will be collaborating on a new Livestream project. We will be streaming various videos and movies of various interests like games, replays, movies etc.

We'll also be taking video requests if there are any.

linky linky: here.

Afion Ruki,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Great Spring Weather

The weather is finally shaping up and it is a great chance to get out and exercise.
The breeze is nice and smooth and isn't in the way too much, keeps the sun glow nice and cozy without roasting your butt.

For those that are out and about playing sports. Summer is slowly setting in so make use of it!
As for me, paintballing has been very nice with the recent updraft of the sun.
Previous weeks have only been down pour and mud. So it is nice to see dry ground and the sun.

Only recently got back in paintballing. Although with the purchase of my recent gear I have set myself back a bit and need to find a job now to provide for funding school and paintball field costs.
However, gear well invested and taken care of, will last quite a while.
It is a decent form of exercise and now I simply have to contemplate it with some other forms of exercise and minimum of walking everyday.

Get out there guys! Enjoy the weather!
And good luck to those taking classes this summer.
We're all cheering for ya.

Best of luck,
Shroker (Ghost)